Hi Garry,
As the employer pays an operating lease (rather than a finance lease), the only option is that the vehicle is returned to the lessor - this is actually to protect you from obsolescence and depreciation, as well as ensuring the vehicle remains on the lessor's balance sheet throughout rather than yours.
When the vehicle is returned, drivers should adhere to the BVRLA Fair Wear and Tear guidelines (please see below). If they do, they will not incur any charges from the leasing company when they return the car. However, if there is any damage that is out-with the BVRLA's guidelines they may face a charge.[https://issuu.com/bfwsn67/docs/love_electric?fr=sZDYzZjI4NTE1](https://)
If your employer is not yet signed up to our scheme they can start the process by filling out our application form here: https://apply.loveelectric.cars/
If your employer is already signed up with us, please feel free to reach out to support@loveelectric.cars with any further questions.
Hope this helps.
Kind regards,
Issy Russell